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Red Sorghum

Red Sorghum

The seed is oval or ovate, red grain. Sorghum contains many vitamins and is an excellent antioxidant. Its constituent polyphenolic compounds strengthen the immune system.
White Sorghum

White Sorghum

The seed grain is usually oval or ovoid, may be chaffy or naked. The colour is white. The mass of the grain is about 5-32 mg. Sorghum is a storehouse of vitamins, primarily vitamin E.
White Millet

White Millet

The fruit is rounded, oval or elongated pod weevil , white in colour. Seeds are small. Grain contains starch, protein, fat, fiber, carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and PP, copper, Nickel, zinc, manganese.
Red millet

Red millet

It is a valuable cereal crop. The fruit is rounded, oval or elongated pod weevil, 1-2 mm in diameter, red in colour. Cereal is rich in ash elements, vitamins B, PP and minerals.


It is the leading cereal crop in many countries. Obtained from wheat grains flour is used in baking bread, making pasta and confectionery. Wheat is also used as a forage crop.


The fruit of the buckwheat ( the triangular nut) is a common food product. There are several varieties of cereals: unground buckwheat — whole grains, large and small slipped — chipped grains, Smolensk cereal — crushed unground.

Group plant family grasses (cereals): wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize, rice, millet, sorghum, and buckwheat family Polygonaceae.

Grown for grain is the primary product of agriculture, which produce bread, cereals, pasta and confectionery products etc.

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